What if I fail to appear for jury duty?
A juror who is summoned and, willfully and without reasonable excuse, fails to appear for jury service may be found to be in contempt of court and subject to penalties provided by law.
If you failed to appear on the date summoned, contact the Court at 810-257-3170 or by email: [email protected]
Why are jurors important?
The right to a trial by jury is the privilege of every person in the United States, whether or not that person is a citizen. Both the United States and the Michigan State Constitutions guarantee this cherished right.
Jury trials cannot be held unless people, citizens of the community in which the trial is held, are willing to perform their civic duty. Jurors are essential to the administration of justice.
Being on a jury is a rewarding experience. You participation is greatly appreciated. This site has been designed to help answer questions that you may have regarding jury service.
What are the eligibility requirements to serve as a juror?
- You must be a United States citizen
- You must be able to speak and understand the English language
- You must be a resident of Genesee County
- You must be 18 years or older
- You must not have been convicted of a felony
A person 70 years of age or older may claim exemption from jury service and shall be exempt upon making the request.
If you believe you are not qualified to serve as a juror, you may contact the jury office by telephone at 810-257-3170 or by email: [email protected]